Jurassic Coast, England

Jurassic Coast England

In 2019 I got to go fossil hunting in England for the first time. I had been there in years past, but never fossil hunting!  So this trip  I was determined to make it down south to the "Jurassic Coast" (which is actually Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous).  We stayed in the little town of Weymouth and went on a guided fossil hunt with the knowledgeable and entertaining Adrian Davies.  With his help,  I found an AMAZING amount of great stuff with his trained eye guidance! Pyrite and Limonite Ammonites and belemnites were the most common with some other treats thrown in..... These are all from the Jurassic era Oxford Clay Formation in Weymouth.

Pyrite Ammonite Quenstedtoceras sp.

Size 1 inch

Limonite Ammonite Quenstedtoceras sp.

Size 1/2 inch

Limonite Ammonite Quenstedtoceras sp.

Size 1/2 inch

Crinoid Column Fragments 

Size 1/4 inch

Crinoid Chariocrinus aff. wuertembergicus

Size 1/4 inch

Crinoid Isocrinus nicoleti 

Size 1/4 inch

Unknown - Possibly Sponge

Size 1 inch

Pyrite Gastropod

Size 1/8 inch

Belemnite Phragmocone 

Size 1 1/2 inch


Size 1 inch


Size 1 1/2 inch


Size 1 inch

Bone Fragment

Size 3 inches



 I also got to visit another site inland in Cambridgeshire.  This was actually prior to visiting the Coast so my finds were exciting because it was truly on my own, but addmitedly not as "good" a hunting as on the Jurassic Coast! But I found the biggest belemnite here!  Also Oxford Clay Formation


Size 2 inches

Serpulid Worm Genicularia vertebralis

Size 1/2 inch

Serpulid Worm Genicularia vertebralis

Size 1/4 inch


Size 1 inch


From a different site (riverbank) that I do not know the formation. 

Size 1 inch

A chilly Fossil Hunt on the Jurassic Coast

The inlet where we were hunting